High Self-Esteem
open to criticism
Low Self-Esteem
people pleasing
rejecting compliments
apologising frequently
difficulty concentrating
poor boundaries
second guessing

Is your low self-esteem holding you back? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others in terms of ability and income and believe you don’t measure up? Or do you label yourself as too thin, fat, old, unfit, stupid or just not good enough? Low self-esteem can prevent you from taking a chance on that new relationship, new business idea, career goal or even a new hobby or exercise regime. It can also hold you back from completing a project or a course of study. In contrast, people with overly high self-esteem may overestimate their skills and feel entitled to promotions and special treatment from people. They block ideas of self-improvement because they see themselves as perfect.
Where confidence is a feeling of competence, self-esteem is what we think of ourselves and how we evaluate that level of competence. Someone raised by a narcissistic parent will likely have low self-esteem. If you were never praised as a child, you may have never learned to celebrate your achievements. Perhaps you consider yourself lucky when you do well. As children, we formed beliefs based on the messages we received or did not receive. These messages were stored at a subconscious level and became our blueprint as adults that sets the level of how much we respect and value ourselves.